Jennifer Jessup's picture

Jen Jessup

Associate Principal

Jen Jessup received her Bachelor of Landscape Architecture from Virginia Tech in 2004, where she was the recipient of the Stanley Abbott Award for design excellence. Prior to joining NBW, Jen worked as a landscape architect and project manager on diverse projects in Charleston, SC and as lead designer and student mentor for the Community Design Assistance Center in Blacksburg, Virginia where her project experience included extensive community engagement with under-served communities to promote healthy living through design.

Since joining NBW, Jen has contributed to a wide range of institutional, public, and private projects with a particular focus on cultural landscapes. Recent work includes managing design and construction on numerous projects including Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello and Machicomoco, a state park in Gloucester County VA with a focus on interpretation and engagement with tribal leaders as part of the design process.   

Current work includes leading the design development for comprehensive landscape plans for the Angel Oak Preserve and Middleton Place in Charleston SC, and the design and management of the Jackie Joyner-Kersee (JJK) Foundation’s Campus Plan, a partnership between JJK, the University of Illinois Extension and the Danforth Plant Science Center to envision a campus that supports youth engagement and community development through improving health and nutrition in the East St. Louis area.